
Foods to Boost Male Health--- Whole Grains 最有益于男性健康的食物---全谷类

Foods to Boost Male Health--- Whole Grains

Most men get enough carbs in their diets, but they tend to be the wrong kind, experts say. 



"A diet rich in whole grains provides fiber, vitamins, minerals – all the co-factors for heart health, building muscles, and keeping waistlines small," says Gerbstadt.

"全谷类饮食可提供纤维素,维生素,和矿物质 – 所有这些因素共同作用维护我们的心脏健康,强壮肌肉并使我们的腰围缩小,"Gerbstadt说。


She suggests trying whole grain pasta or quinoa, a trendy, not-so-whole-grain-tasting grain that's rich in lutein for prostate health.



Oatmeal and barley are rich in soluble fiber, full of B vitamins that can help lower LDL or "bad" cholesterol, and are also good for the prostate. Suzanne Farrell, RD, recommends getting 10-25 grams of soluble fiber a day from oatmeal or other sources of soluble fiber like apples, pears, and beans.

燕麦和大麦富含可溶性纤维素,可降低低密度脂蛋白和坏胆固醇的维生素B,并也对前列腺健康很有好处。Suzanne FarrellRD)建议每天从燕麦粥或其他可溶性纤维素来源,比如苹果,梨,豆类中摄入10-25克该纤维素。

When buying grain products, look for those whose labels say they have at least 3-5 g fiber per serving.


To avoid digestive problems, increase your fiber intake gradually, and don't forget to drink plenty of water.




